Pop sensation and hitmaker, Samkelo Lelethu Mdolomba also known as Samthing Soweto announced the much-anticipated ‘Now or Never’ music tour. Set to take place in two cities, kicking off in Tshwane/Pretoria at the South African State Theatre (Opera Theatre) on Saturday July 23rd, 2022 and heading to the Star Theatre in Cape Town on Saturday October 1st, 2022 – both at 20:00.

On sharing about the concept behind the tour, Samthing Soweto said; “At the beginning of the year, I wanted to create a show that people wanted to see. I was intentional about the direction of the show considering that I hadn’t had a show in a long time”

In January 2022, Samthing Soweto called on his supporters to share their visions of a show that they would like him to put together. The influential pop artist will curate a show informed by the numerous track list submissions from his supporters.

The show will present an element of surprise for Samthing Soweto stans. He will not only offer audiences infused sounds filled with mesmerizing vocals, but will also prepare two sets ahead of the shows where attendees will get another opportunity to decide the set they prefer on the mellifluous night.

Concluded, Samthing Soweto, “I’ve always tried to involve the people who appreciate my music through the years, and this year was no different. My ultimate aim is really about giving people what they want.”

The ‘Now or Never’ tour comes at the back of Samthing Soweto’s promise to his supporters and the release of the hit single titled #Amagents – a simple but complex message from a father to their daughter. 

Samthing Soweto will be heading to other provinces in the country which will be announced soon.

Tshwane leg ‘Now or Never’ tickets are available at webtickets https://www.webtickets.co.za/v2/event.aspx?itemid=1515940959

‘Now or Never’ tickets for Cape Town are available at webtickets https://www.webtickets.co.za/v2/Event.aspx?itemid=1516445145


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